FAT Event Documentation

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How to use ticket classification

In some case or some event, the fixed fees isn't enough, because admin need classification for ticket (ex: Economy, Premium or VIP ticket) or set fees base on quantity (ex: with 1 ticket then fees is 10$, with 2 ticket then fees is 18$, with 3 ticket then fees is 25$,...) FAT Event provider ticket classification feature what allow admin can define ticket for each event. To use ticket classification, please do follow:

  • Log into your WordPress admin panel.
  • Navigate to FAT Event ยป All FAT Event.
  • Select event what you want change ticket.
  • At edit screen, please scroll to 'Booking' section and check 'Enable booking' to begin define ticket
  • At here, you can see 'Fees type'. This field have three options:
    • Fixed fees: This mean it will be fixed fees for event. Total fees = fees x quantity/li>
    • Fees base on quantity: This mean the fees will be depend quantity. Ex: you can set, if customer select 1 ticket then total fees is 10$. If customer select 2 ticket then total fees is 18$,..
    • Ticket classification: With this option, you can split the groups of tickets and each group will be have difference fees . Ex: You can create 3 ticket class. Economy (fees is 10$), Premium (fees is 30$) and VIP (fees is 50%). Total fees = (fees of group) x quantity
  • Click save change to store ticket classification.
  • 1. Fixed fees

    Fixed fees.

    With fixed fees, you need fill value for two fields: Fees and Seats

    • 1. Fees : This is store fixed fees
    • 2. Seats : This is seat limit for event. If you don't want set limit, you can set empty or fill 0 for this field

  • 2. Fees base on quantity

    Fees base on quantity.

    With this option, you need fill value for two fields: Quantity and Fees

    • 1. Quantity : This is quantity what customer can select
    • 2. Fees : This is a fees corresponding to the quantity

    Fees base on quantity at popup booking form.

  • 2. Ticket classification

    Ticket classification.

    With this option, you need fill value for three fields: Class, Seat available, Fees

    • 1. Class : This is class name of ticket
    • 2. Seat available : This is seat limit of this class
    • 3. Fees : This is fees of this class

    Ticket classification at popup booking form.

Video how to use ticket classification.