In some case or some event, the fixed fees isn't enough, because admin need classification for ticket
(ex: Economy, Premium or VIP ticket)
or set fees base on quantity (ex: with 1 ticket then fees is 10$, with 2 ticket then fees is 18$, with 3
ticket then fees is 25$,...)
FAT Event provider ticket classification feature what allow admin can define ticket for each event. To
use ticket classification, please do follow:
Log into your WordPress admin panel.
Navigate to FAT Event ยป All FAT Event.
Select event what you want change ticket.
At edit screen, please scroll to 'Booking' section and check 'Enable booking' to begin define
At here, you can see 'Fees type'. This field have three options:
Fixed fees: This mean it will be fixed fees for event. Total fees = fees x quantity/li>
Fees base on quantity: This mean the fees will be depend quantity. Ex: you can set, if
customer select 1 ticket then total fees is 10$. If customer select 2 ticket then total fees
is 18$,..
Ticket classification: With this option, you can split the groups of tickets and each group
will be have difference fees .
Ex: You can create 3 ticket class. Economy (fees is 10$), Premium (fees is 30$) and VIP
(fees is 50%). Total fees = (fees of group) x quantity
Click save change to store ticket classification.
1. Fixed fees
Fixed fees.
With fixed fees, you need fill value for two fields: Fees and Seats
1. Fees : This is store fixed fees
2. Seats : This is seat limit for event. If you don't want set limit, you can set empty or
fill 0 for this field
2. Fees base on quantity
Fees base on quantity.
With this option, you need fill value for two fields: Quantity and Fees
1. Quantity : This is quantity what customer can select
2. Fees : This is a fees corresponding to the quantity
Fees base on quantity at popup booking form.
2. Ticket classification
Ticket classification.
With this option, you need fill value for three fields: Class, Seat available, Fees
1. Class : This is class name of ticket
2. Seat available : This is seat limit of this class