FAT Event Documentation

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How to use shortcode

This section will gives you explanation on how to use shortcode by : Visual Composer, Post or page, Widget

1. Use event shortcode with Visual Composer

  • 1. Please edit or create new page
  • 2. Click 'Backend Editor' to use 'Visual Composer' in page.
  • 3. Click 'Add Element' button.
  • 4. Click 'FAT Shortcode' tab.
  • 5. Choose 'FAT Event' in this tab.
  • 6. Choose event shortcode what you want use

Backend editor mode.

FAT Shortcode Tab.

Choose event shortcode.

2. Use event shortcode in post or page without page builder

  • 1.Please go to FAT Event » Shortcodes
  • 2. Choose shortcode what you want use. Click right mouse and choose copy
  • 3. Open page or post what you want insert shortcode. Click right mouse and choose paste

Choose and copy shortcode.

Paste shortcode to post or page content.

3. Use event shortcode in wdiget

  • 1.Please go to FAT Event » Shortcodes
  • 2. Choose shortcode what you want use. Click right mouse and choose copy
  • 3. Go to Appearance » Widgets
  • 4. Add 'Text widget' into sidebar what you want use
  • 5. Paste event shortcode into editor in 'Text widget'

Choose and copy shortcode.

Add Text widget to sidebar.

Paste event shortcode to editor of Text widget.