In marketing, a coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product or item.
A coupon code consists of letters or numbers that consumers enter into a promotional box on a checkout page to obtain a discount on the purchase.
If you want apply coupon for your event, please do follow:
Log into your WordPress admin panel.
Navigate to FAT Event ยป Settings.
Click 'Payment' tab
Check at 'Enable coupon'
Now, please click 'Coupon' in left menu
Click 'Add Coupon' button
Fill value for:
Coupon code: This is code what customer need fill to promotional box when booking to obtain a discount. Please do not use space in coupon code
Discount type: Fixed discount or Percentage discount. With fixed discount, customer will be obtain a discount what not depend total fees.
With percentage discount, total discount = (total fees) * (percentagte discount)/100
Expiry Date: At here, you can set time limit to use coupon
Minimum spend: This option what allow you can setting coupon only customer who have minimum spend
Minimum spend: This option what allow you can setting coupon only customer who have maximum spend
Apply for events: You can select events can use coupon
Exclude events: You can select events can't use coupon
Times to use: How many times this coupon can be used before it is void