FAT Event Documentation

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How to use coupon

In marketing, a coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product or item. A coupon code consists of letters or numbers that consumers enter into a promotional box on a checkout page to obtain a discount on the purchase.

If you want apply coupon for your event, please do follow:

  • Log into your WordPress admin panel.
  • Navigate to FAT Event ยป Settings.
  • Click 'Payment' tab
  • Check at 'Enable coupon'
  • Now, please click 'Coupon' in left menu
  • Click 'Add Coupon' button
  • Fill value for:
    • Coupon code: This is code what customer need fill to promotional box when booking to obtain a discount. Please do not use space in coupon code
    • Discount type: Fixed discount or Percentage discount. With fixed discount, customer will be obtain a discount what not depend total fees. With percentage discount, total discount = (total fees) * (percentagte discount)/100
  • Expiry Date: At here, you can set time limit to use coupon
  • Minimum spend: This option what allow you can setting coupon only customer who have minimum spend
  • Minimum spend: This option what allow you can setting coupon only customer who have maximum spend
  • Apply for events: You can select events can use coupon
  • Exclude events: You can select events can't use coupon
  • Times to use: How many times this coupon can be used before it is void


Video how to use coupon.