How to use api
This section will gives you explanation on how use api
- Log into your WordPress admin panel.
- Navigate to FAT Event ยป Settings.
- Open 'General' tab.
- Check at 'Enable API'
After enable API, you can access event data via WordPress API as same as bellow
- Get all locationThis is api for get all location on your site.
- API Url: http://your-domain/wp-json/fat-event/v1/get_all_location
- Get all eventThis is api for get all event on your site.
- API Url: http://your-domain/wp-json/fat-event/v1/get_all_events
- Get event by locationThis is api for get event by location
- API Url: http://your-domain/wp-json/fat-event/v1/get_all_events?locationId=location_id
- Parameters: location_id -> This is location id what return from 'Get all location' API
Enable API.