How to override template
FAT Event plugin use template for skin and single layout and provider override feature. If you want
mofidy skin or single layout, please do step by step as bellow
- Step 1: Please create folder templates/fat-event on your theme folder. Ex: [your theme
- Step 2: Create folder skins if you want override event item skin of shortcode.
Create folder single folder if you want override single layout
- Step 3: Copy template to folder what just created
- Copy skin template what you want override from
wp-content\plugins\fat-event\templates\skins and paste to [your theme
folder]/templates/fat-event/skin .Now you can edit template at here
- Copy single template what you want override from
wp-content\plugins\fat-event\templates\single and paste to [your theme
folder]/templates/fat-event/single .Now you can edit template at here