FAT Event Documentation

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How to create shortcode

This section will gives you explanation on how to create shortcode

  • Log into your WordPress admin panel.
  • Navigate to FAT Event ยป Shortcodes.
  • Click 'Add Shortcode'.

Button create shortcode.

Create shortcode screen.

  • 1. Input shortcode name
  • 2. Layout tab
    • 1. Choose layout (Grid, List, Masonry, Conference, Countdown, Carousel, Metro, Timetable, Calendar, Timeline)
    • 2. Choose skin
    • 3. Choose column (for Grid and Masonry layout)
    • 4. Choose gutter (for Grid and Masonry layout)
    • 5. Choose start date : If set, it only get event what have start date above this date. If set empty it will be get current date
    • 6. Date format: This is format for start date and end date what show up on event popup detail and single event page
    • 7. Limit event: This is limit for event show
    • 8. Pagination (for Grid, Masonry, List and Metro layout): At here you can choose paging by page number or load more or infinite scroll
    • 9. Number of item per page: This is number of event what show up on each page
    • 10. Loading spinner: The plugin use ajax for paging and filter, this is loading style when click paging or filter
    • 11. Enable item animation: You can use animation for item's appearance
    • 12. Open event detail: You can choose open by popup or single page when click event title on shortcode
    • 13. Thumbnail width and height (for Grid and Carousel layout): At here you can change image size for event
  • Filter tab screen.

    3. Filter tab
    • 1. Choose categories: If you choose category at here. The plugin only show event what belong this category. You can choose one or more category
    • 2. Choose locations: It is as same as category
    • 3. Choose organizers: It is as same as category
    • 4. Include expired events: If choose this it will be show up expired event
  • 4. Custom Css tab

    Some case, if you want exit style of event, you can add custom css at here

  • 5. Shortcode section

    This is shortcode generate. Please copy shortcode in this section and paste to anywhere (page, post or widget)

  • 6. Search section

    At here you can enable/disable filter on shortcode